Saturday, 21 March 2015

Studio Shoot - Lighting the 'Creative World'

After designing the set, we had enough time to test the lighting. As we were testing out the creative world scene with the stacking of the TV's we decided that the light from them will be enough for the scene as it creates a nice outline for the actor.

We wanted the scene to have a contrast between the prison and the creative world. With the TV's being the focal point of the creative world, we had to emphasise on its presence, therefore it was decided that we should make this scene dark in order to allow the light from the TVs to highlight the scene.

We noticed that the lighting on camera may have been too dark as the TVs didn't produce enough light to fill the entire set, making the actor less noticeable. To counter this, we included a light from behind the TVs which allowed the actor to be seen, however due to the bulbs being yellow, it gave it too much of an indoor atmosphere. This then allowed us to decide to use a blue filter, which gave off a more digital and environmentally cool effect. 

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